Um... what?
Outrage as Egypt plans 'farewell intercourse law' so husbands can have sex with DEAD wives up to six hours after their death
Egyptian husbands will soon be legally allowed to have sex with their dead wives - for up to six hours after their death.
The controversial new law is part of a raft of measures being introduced by the Islamist-dominated parliament.
It will also see the minimum age of marriage lowered to 14 and the ridding of women's rights of getting education and employment.
How is this not the part causing outrage?
It will also see the minimum age of marriage lowered to 14 and the ridding of women's rights of getting education and employment.
Yeah, that part is worse.
It's the Daily Fail: I would be skeptical of the reporting.
Anyone else posted this link to Stephen Colbert's speech at the Time 100 Most Influential people banquet? It's quite awesome:
I was particularly excited to meet David Koch earlier tonight because I have a Super PAC, Colbert Super PAC, and I am -- thank you, thank you -- and I am happy to announce Mr. Koch has pledged $5 million to my Super PAC. And the great thing is, thanks to federal election law, there's no way for you to ever know whether that's a joke.
Go, Stephen, with the message discipline.
Is the David H. Koch who gives money for Nova on PBS the same David Koch who's a right wing douchebag?
That seems odd. Nova seems to be a reliable, scientific-based exploration of the world, and the Kochs seem to be the opposite of reliable and science-based.
edit: as it seems to me.
Yes but it makes them look good.
Makes the Kochs look good, you mean? A lot of people don't think it makes NOVA look all that good....