It's the Daily Fail: I would be skeptical of the reporting.
Anyone else posted this link to Stephen Colbert's speech at the Time 100 Most Influential people banquet? It's quite awesome:
I was particularly excited to meet David Koch earlier tonight because I have a Super PAC, Colbert Super PAC, and I am -- thank you, thank you -- and I am happy to announce Mr. Koch has pledged $5 million to my Super PAC. And the great thing is, thanks to federal election law, there's no way for you to ever know whether that's a joke.
Go, Stephen, with the message discipline.
Is the David H. Koch who gives money for Nova on PBS the same David Koch who's a right wing douchebag?
That seems odd. Nova seems to be a reliable, scientific-based exploration of the world, and the Kochs seem to be the opposite of reliable and science-based.
edit: as it seems to me.
Yes but it makes them look good.
Makes the Kochs look good, you mean? A lot of people don't think it makes NOVA look all that good....
Yeah, I meant Koch. They also sponsor a lot of cultural stuff like the New York Opera, I think.
Makes the Kochs look good, you mean? A lot of people don't think it makes NOVA look all that good....
Heads they win, tails we lose.
Oh yeah, they give to all the big NYC arts organizations, I believe.