The authenticity value y'all are railing against doesn't seem to have much to do with what Scola's link is talking about.
Yeah. I don't like the term "authenticity" as it just screams buzz word, but the idea of encouraging kids to be who they are and celebrate that? I love that concept and try to do that with my students.
Huh, I think I went to grad school with the woman who wrote that Tiger Mom article.
Holy moly does HPF wish she was 3 years older right now: [link]
(while I don't want her to grow up any faster, I hope this program is still around in a couple of years...)
Oo, I think I need to order that logical fallacy poster for my work. Thanks, Allyson.
And Sox, that program looks great.
When did HKF become HPF? Or are they 2 different children?
When did HKF become HPF? Or are they 2 different children?
I think she decided she likes Harry Potter better than Hello Kitty now.
She switched fandoms, didn't she?
Obviously, she needs crossover fic.
I'm tired of eating carrots, dammit.
I'm going to make a grilled ham and cheese sandwich for lunch.
I think I might want a counter top panini press.