Rich middle-aged Christian heterosexual white guys are the only people left who have to deal with prejudice and bigotry!
Because it's so harrrrrrrd for them to just get the sex and money they're entitled to! And the women keep leaving the kitchen and trying to learn things! And the gays! They keep being gay! It's so harrrrrrrrd for the old rich Christian straight white dudez!
Don't get me started on the War on Easter!
Erika, I think it's totally fair to ask for it back, if you clicked the wrong number -- the good news is, you'll be dealing with a tech or admin type who probably doesn't actually care that much, you know?
but what I don't understand is how they choose which vagina is in service.
Well, since male marsupials frequently have two-pronged penises...the ones on the sides, I presume.
Nature continues to astonish me in all the ways it defies the claim that only missionary position sex is natural.
Ok, Jesse. I asked. I won't, like, be sitting in the dark if it doesn't happen, but I guess I'm the reason computers are so "Are you sure?" crazy. But ordering the wrong size t-shirt online is much less awkward. But I can't be acting like Oprah...."You get birth control! Everyone here gets birth control!"
I just gave Too Much to Charity, Sue.(damn webpages with their pre-highlighted amounts) At least, tell me my kind-hearted stupidity makes you feel better,
It does make me feel better, since I did the same thing last week. Pre-highlighted donation amounts are a sneaky trick!
Today has been Mostly Sucky with intermittent periods of Meh. I'm tired of being a grownup.
If I had Oprah's money, I absolutely *would* do that.
Zenkitty, glad to know it's not just me. I'm shocked they didn't offer a simple method to correct it, either, but sad to say, there are skinflints out there.
OK. Airline ticket booked. Car to airport booked. Badge acquired. Need to pack and arrange for petsitter. And vacuum so sitter isn't horrified.
I'm surprisingly calm. I'm usually freaking out before a business trip. Well, there eas the screaming nightmare last night, so maybe I'm just sublimating my anxiety this time.
Today has been Mostly Sucky with intermittent periods of Meh. I'm tired of being a grownup.
Being a grownup blows. I'm assaulted by pollen, my back hurts in an achey way that won't quite go away but won't get bad enough to justify begging the doctor for opiates, my house is horrifyingly filthy, and I eat too much sugar.
my back hurts in an achey way that won't quite go away but won't get bad enough to justify begging the doctor for opiates, my house is horrifyingly filthy
My neck (where it meets my shoulder on the right side) has been pinched for days. I wake up every morning and try to ease it out so I can move.
And I can keep the house tidy (the benefits of a little OCD!), but clean? Not so much. The dust alone is outrageous. I've given up on the cat hair.