Skipping yet again (how sad, to be forced to skip even a hundred posts or so, not even skim them) because, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is Sheryl's birthday.
Happy birthday, Sheryl! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year!
Happy Birthday Sheryl!
Is there some sort of Pinterest/Tumblr etiquette that I am unaware of that says you shouldn't pin thinks from tumblr. I started a pinterest board for a show I am working on, and I got reamed (not by name) for pinning from someone's tumblr and not linking to their blog (I didn't know they had one) or to the original source of the image. I got the feeling she was thinking I was stealing, because she mentioned that I "copied her description". I was seriously only pinning things so I could go back to them later (I realize Pinterest is social, but I don't really use it that way-- I just can't figure out evernote).
Birthday Happies, Sheryl!!
Dude, do not mess with swans. There's a guy around here who was killed this weekend after a swan flipped his kayak and then kept shoving him under water. The news is calling it an "accidental homicide" which seems a little off. But damn.
HBD Sheryl!
I am still not at work today. Yay!
Just had an officemate (not a co-worker, the office I work in is a partner with my company but there are many departments here we don't interact with) basically accuse me of having allergies on purpose to annoy her. (She just stopped me in the corridor to yell at me that I was blowing my nose too loud and it's "all she hears all the time." I apologized and explained that my allergies were really terrible this year and she shouted "Well then you should DO SOMETHING about them!")
I can haz new job nao?
Is there a convenient swan you could introduce her to? What a bitch.
Gah, this is so awkward. My bloodstream is about 30% Claratin D right now but between the pollen outside and the dust in this office I literally can't breathe without sniffling. And now I'm totally self-conscious about it and basically can't breathe at all.
And with my luck she's probably a lurker. This is so stupid.