Just had an officemate (not a co-worker, the office I work in is a partner with my company but there are many departments here we don't interact with) basically accuse me of having allergies on purpose to annoy her. (She just stopped me in the corridor to yell at me that I was blowing my nose too loud and it's "all she hears all the time." I apologized and explained that my allergies were really terrible this year and she shouted "Well then you should DO SOMETHING about them!")
I can haz new job nao?
Is there a convenient swan you could introduce her to? What a bitch.
Gah, this is so awkward. My bloodstream is about 30% Claratin D right now but between the pollen outside and the dust in this office I literally can't breathe without sniffling. And now I'm totally self-conscious about it and basically can't breathe at all.
And with my luck she's probably a lurker. This is so stupid.
That is ridiculous. On her part, obviously.
Christ, what an ASSHOLE. I'm sorry she's stressing you out, but if possible, try to remember that she's a fucking asshole and that you need to breathe and blow your nose? And if she bitches to you again, maybe yell at her a little bit?
Or go to your boss and ask to work from home because some asshole says you are ruining her quality of work life. Or go to her boss and complain about her being a total fucking asshole.
PS, if she lurks here, you are a total fucking asshole and what's the matter with you????
Also, I once worked for someone with terrible allergies, and I WISH he had blown his nose constantly! Instead he just snuffled all the time.
Jessica, do you remember JZ's co-worker who complained bitterly that she was making too much noise shuffling her papers while filing?
They don't get to complain about your existence.
Jessica - that's ridiculous. Not only should you be able to blow your nose while at work, you should feel safe doing so. I'd ask to work from home just the same. I hope you feel better soon, or that the trees nearby get a room.
Happy belated Birthday, ND! Happy Birthday, Sheryl!
I am at that point in my current project where I start to second-guess everything. Like the spelling of the word 'word'.
try to remember that she's a fucking asshole.
Words to live by. IOW, I love Nora.
I am working on March monthly report. 2 WEEKS late!