So nice to know I've got a couple of cats who derive comfort from each other.
I wish I had this. After having Puppycat for a dozen ears, I occasionally will mention to she and Kittenish that they are nearly touching each other having curled up near me. Not that they've ever touched kindly. Oh well. But kitty piles and grooming are both sweet and good for the cats in question.
So I just listened to Amber Benson read about blowjobs, ejaculation, semen, and "pussy blood." It was hilarious.
Let me guess. She clicked on ita's links.
Loki's technique of nipping at any exposed flesh and pulling is effective at getting me up. I watched him in the mirror and every time, he looked over at me to check for a reaction even when I refused to flinch. Little asshole!
Meara, can you call the bank and see if you can pay over the phone or through the Internet?
It's going to be so hot here tomorrow, they are trying to get people to drop out of the marathon! Bananas.
Also, I don't feel like doing anything. But my plan for the day is: make cupcakes, go to movies, make dinner, go eat it with my grandmother. I want to do all of those things! But more than I want to just sit here? Unclear.
WTF is right!
Cupcakes are in the oven.
I woke up with hardly anything hurting. I didn't know how rare that was until it happened. Anyway, my new massage therapist is a wonder, and I'm thinking of setting up a shrine to her hands.