That was unbelievably cool. Not only did he get us to extra innings, he won us the game.
Plus he had one of the egregious errors earlier. So redemption times two.
What a crazy game.
Which I mostly didn't get to watch because we were happily hosting Jen K. and her guy, Matt.
I made fusilli with all the ingredients you can find in a Greek deli and Matt brought a pie and we played Dread Pirate, and Matilda was cute until she melted down and then Matt looked at the ailing Mac which he's fixed so many times it is now officially an iMatt, and did a series of House-like diagnostic tricks and ninja stuff and declared it puzzling and walked out of the house with it tucked under his arm.
And when it comes back it'll probably have more RAM and an espresso holder.
Jen (who has the sense of humor of a 15 y.o. boy) and Emmett bonded the whole night over innuendo concerning who's sack (of pirate booty) was weightier. There was snickering galore.
Jen (who has the sense of humor of a 15 y.o. boy) and Emmett bonded the whole night over innuendo concerning who's sack (of pirate booty) was weightier.
Heh. Last weekend in Columbus there were a lot of drunk lesbians snickering about "sacks". Sacks of fries and burgers at White Castle, but whatev'.
Heh. Last weekend in Columbus there were a lot of drunk lesbians snickering about "sacks". Sacks of fries and burgers at White Castle, but whatev'.
Yes, well, then Emmett and Jen are right on your wavelength.
JZ! Where are you on the change in Catholic Mass liturgy?!
I mean, I don't go to church, so it's freaking me out that it's going to change EVERYTHING. I mean, no longer "Peace be with you/and also with you"!? That's crazycakes!! I'm all upset and I don't even GO.
I mean, no longer "Peace be with you/and also with you"!? That's crazycakes!!
That was the only part of vaguely-affiliated Catholicism that I was good at, honestly.
Jilli, I'm assumung the the Damned interview never did happen because we would have heard the squeeing. If so, I'm sorry, that sucks. I did hear back from Mark, and yeah, the Shack Shakers finished up their bit of that tour in Chicago, so he couldn't help. Sorry!
skipping (the "sigh" is spelled in that word, too, even if not all the letters are there) because, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is aurelia's birthday.
Happy birthday, aurelia! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year!
Also, since I won't be online for tomorrow's shabbat, I'll already post now that tomorrow is Astarte's birthday, and send lots of early wishes in advance.
Short Fridays and lovely weekends to all!
Thanks, Nilly!
I have officially stayed up too late. I don't have to be at work until noon, but I will be working for 10 hours. Woohoo.
Happy, if work-y, birthday, aurelia!!
Happy (yesterday?) birthday, aurelia!
But the cake is easier, and very forgiving.
Hey! Isn't pie supposed to be the easiest??