skipping (the "sigh" is spelled in that word, too, even if not all the letters are there) because, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is aurelia's birthday.
Happy birthday, aurelia! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year!
Also, since I won't be online for tomorrow's shabbat, I'll already post now that tomorrow is Astarte's birthday, and send lots of early wishes in advance.
Short Fridays and lovely weekends to all!
Thanks, Nilly!
I have officially stayed up too late. I don't have to be at work until noon, but I will be working for 10 hours. Woohoo.
Happy, if work-y, birthday, aurelia!!
Happy (yesterday?) birthday, aurelia!
But the cake is easier, and very forgiving.
Hey! Isn't pie supposed to be the easiest??
Maria, I'm so sorry that you had such a rough night, and I'll be sending lots if ~ma to you and your DH today.
There's no cure for AIDS, but I know people diagnosed 20 years ago.
True, a couple of my closest friends are HIV+, and you wouldn't know it unless they told you. And they're in serodiscordant LTRs, too. And they're my age, and I plan to grow old with them.
Happy birthday, aurelia!
That was the only part of vaguely-affiliated Catholicism that I was good at, honestly.
The "and also with you" part is being replaced with "and with your spirit."
"and with your spirit."
I thought that change was from a year or more ago? It does, however, seem to be more appropriate for Halloween. Signed, Heretic.
I have so much to do, work is really getting in the way.
Ahahahaha! While I was typing this, he came in the kitchen door from the backyard and yelled, "I AM A ROCK STAR!!!" Yes you are, baby. Yes you are.
He IS a rockstar!!!
Happy Birthday, aurelia!
Much ~ma to Maria and DH.
Birthday Happies, aurelia!!