Choice feminism, is, as far as I understand it, feminism with the understanding that not actually availing yourself of the job you just got the right to (or keeping wearing the girdle you got the right to burn) is also a choice. So, yeah, you can have the hairy legs of freedom, but you can also wear a corset of freedom if you wish.
I would just call that feminism, but nobody asked me. I haven't been a feminist spokesperson in nearly 20 years!
A visible portion of women believe you're selling out the side if you don't actually burn the bra, so to speak.
Let me tell you, being a diehard feminist and *choosing* to ASK my male partner to hit me with things that go THWACK! is a mindfuck of gargantuan proportions. Intellectually, I am down with it. I own my sexuality and my kink and my desires. I ask for it, I *choose* it.
But there is a part of me that cringes and thinks it's horrific and that I am the biggest sellout to the patriarchy EVER.
Dang it, I was typing when msbelle posted.
Are things safe for you, msbelle? Could you call your parents if you need to, or is that too hard for them to deal with?
I am safe. I don't feel safe. They would make it worse.
I'm sorry, msbelle. I wish I could do something to help.
What -t said, msbelle. If things get worse, though, you will call someone for some help?
I'm so sorry, msbelle. Is there anything we can do, even as invisible not real friends?
I went back. We are both going to bed. Thanks.