This is not to your point, but I'll take the somewhat occasional leg shaving over daily face shaving that most men endure. (Not that they have to. But the face grooming seems more onerous, generally speaking.
Off-topic, Ryan's become quite fascinated with watching his daddy shave. (Especially since I got a new shaver a couple of weeks ago, and this one allows the use of shaving gel.
Re the feminist discussion, I would feel presumptuous calling myself a feminist. I'd have no problem stating that I support feminism or feminist ideals, or such like.
I wonder why face-waxing for men has never caught on
How regularly would you have to wax your beard to be practical? It is fussier than shaving, and less easy to do yourself.
I don't shave, but I can't pretend it's a big feminist thing. I'm not hirsute at all, and I will also cheerfully wear opaque tights 365 days a year anyway.
I notice one poster on the thread who is defiantly stating that she does not modify her appearance any further than required for hygiene and...okay? There's a prize for that? I don't even know. She's saying she deliberately doesn't wear makeup, and all I can think opposed to me, who doesn't wear it by accident?
Actually, I accidentally wore lipstick today. I forgot my Vaseline at my desk when I went out for lunch and my lips got dry and I had to put on lipstick. It was so traumatic. The Man had total dominion over me for at least half an hour.
Hey, I'm a LESBIAN feminist, and I dislike hairy legs (on me) so much I've gotten them LASERED OFF. er, the hair, not the legs.
I wonder why face-waxing for men has never caught on
Whiskers are different than other types of body hair. They're much thicker and stronger. I'd wager that the wax wouldn't provide enough adhesion to pull out facial hair. Plus, there are more nerve endings in the face than there are on other parts of the body. So it would be hella painful, and it probably wouldn't work very well.
Is male facial hair significantly thicker than female facial hair? Because women wax their faces.
Yerp. Women wax their moustaches alla the time.
My beef with choice feminism is that our society rarely actually allows choice from an equal starting place. The traditionally culturally acceptable choice is the easier choice.
The traditionally culturally acceptable choice is the easier choice.
How does that even remotely justify taking it away?
Is male facial hair significantly thicker than female facial hair?
Every person is different, but in most instances, yes, it is.
Where did I say choices should be taken away? I would like to see more choices available.