And you're giving the password to a potential employer, not to anyone you've signed agreements with, any sort of NDA or anything. They're nothing to you, and you have no assurance of what they'll do with the password.
I know that when I type a password in on my work network, technically I've given it to them. I've signed the documentation saying that anything I do on their hardware or their network is all theirs.
Wow, this teamaker is...damn. I can really taste the tea. It's so different. Also, 175 is much closer to a temperature I can drink than 212, unsurprisingly. But I can pour a cup and drink with just blowing on it, rather than needing to put in an ice cube when I eyeball it before or after the boil. I had no idea I was so off the mark.
Fucking tasty shit, though.
“The women pour in,” Mundy observes, “and the men drain out.”
Well, fuck them, then.
I have heard it said that this is why pediatricians and primary care doctors are considered "low-paying" specialties.
“The women pour in,” Mundy observes, “and the men drain out.”
Who knew that fear of cooties lasts well into adulthood?
Is primary care predominantly female?
And I sure did wish that men draining out didn't mean anything other than the assholes leave. Because the entire workforce is better off not having to work with the kind of people that would leave because of an evening out of the genders.
Right, Sophia. The money and status drains out with them.
I just can't believe this still happens! Fucking people.
I just can't believe this still happens!
Well, you know, women are all irrational and bleed every month. It's offputting and strange. Plus they insist on being allowed to vote and wear trousers. Who would want to work with THAT?