Is primary care predominantly female?
And I sure did wish that men draining out didn't mean anything other than the assholes leave. Because the entire workforce is better off not having to work with the kind of people that would leave because of an evening out of the genders.
Right, Sophia. The money and status drains out with them.
I just can't believe this still happens! Fucking people.
I just can't believe this still happens!
Well, you know, women are all irrational and bleed every month. It's offputting and strange. Plus they insist on being allowed to vote and wear trousers. Who would want to work with THAT?
I like men. Many of them are wondrous, honorable, fun creatures. Many of them are disgusting assholes who need slapped. How human of them.
I am so grateful for the sane men in my life, including here. When I read things like that I am taken back because I protect and surround myself with the rational.
Teaching is a famous historical example of a field being devalued as women entered the field.
I wonder when it happened with Human Resources, because that's definitely dominated by women now.
I think being a secretary was one of the first examples-- even before teaching.
The weird reversal thing with nursing and secretarial work (can't speak for teaching) is the few men who do it seem get promoted to fairly high positions very quickly if they are not incompetent. All unconsciously, and by women.