I'll be going through Denver soon. Please, no storms. I usually transfer in Vegas and don't have to worry about it. I've crossed Chicago off my list of transfer places cause it has screwed me so many times.
While I'm grateful to be able to bring my work laptop home, and while it is a newer macbook pro, I kinda hate the chiclet keyboard. Though it is probably easier to keep all the damned cathair out of.
Manicure done. I'll get a pedi on Weds, since I'm taking it off. Gotta clean, do laundry, swim and that and then go get my parents. I'm really glad I already planned to do that, because computer shennanigans meant little of the cleaning and laundry got done today.
Jesse, I am doing better. Sorry I didn't get back with you. Mostly I am faking it til I make it, but a day to myself yesterday really helped.
I did manage to get some big things taken care of this week: closed a bank account, got billing for mac's insurance switched to new bank, asked my dad to change the oil in my car and check a bunch of other stuff, I washed the car and vacuumed the inside, and my awesome brother is solving my computer issues and I am faking being ok with his generosity.
Sorry I didn't get back with you.
Please -- no worries. I'm just glad you're going at least some better.....
The Detroit airport has the place that just does peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, right? I love that place.
I love the Detroit airport for its trippy light-show tunnel, complete with Tangerine Dream-esque music. Seriously. That tunnel makes air travel worthwhile.
I think the St. Louis airport has some of the worst food imaginable.
This is so very, very true.
I am still a mess. Today was a bad day to be a race fan. So sad.
Yeah, it's just awful, Cass. I kinda don't know what to do with it. I just feel terrible about it.
I watched the first four episodes of
on Hulu today. That was alot of fun. And given that they are up to 4 episodes and only keep five on at once: if you think you might want to try it - you probably only have until a week from Thursday to watch the first episode.