Jesse, I am doing better. Sorry I didn't get back with you. Mostly I am faking it til I make it, but a day to myself yesterday really helped.
I did manage to get some big things taken care of this week: closed a bank account, got billing for mac's insurance switched to new bank, asked my dad to change the oil in my car and check a bunch of other stuff, I washed the car and vacuumed the inside, and my awesome brother is solving my computer issues and I am faking being ok with his generosity.
Sorry I didn't get back with you.
Please -- no worries. I'm just glad you're going at least some better.....
The Detroit airport has the place that just does peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, right? I love that place.
I love the Detroit airport for its trippy light-show tunnel, complete with Tangerine Dream-esque music. Seriously. That tunnel makes air travel worthwhile.
I think the St. Louis airport has some of the worst food imaginable.
This is so very, very true.
I am still a mess. Today was a bad day to be a race fan. So sad.
Yeah, it's just awful, Cass. I kinda don't know what to do with it. I just feel terrible about it.
I watched the first four episodes of
on Hulu today. That was alot of fun. And given that they are up to 4 episodes and only keep five on at once: if you think you might want to try it - you probably only have until a week from Thursday to watch the first episode.
Yeah, it's just awful, Cass. I kinda don't know what to do with it. I just feel terrible about it.
Honestly, there is nothing to be done with it.
It's a damned dangerous sport and the participants and fans know that and, usually, respect it. But, oh, this is the worst thing that can happen. It was a terrible day. Awful.
There's no way I am not crying myself to sleep eventually. I can't stop. The best I can do is (re)watch things from my dvr and then delete them. Because keeping them would be too gruesome and sad for me.
And given that they are up to 4 episodes and only keep five on at once: if you think you might want to try it - you probably only have until a week from Thursday to watch the first episode.
Thanks. I do want to watch it. So I appreciate the reminder.