Well, it's today morning, and I'm at the airport, and about to settle down with some steamed milk and some painkillers. why are they so parsimonious with the power outlets?
Thanks guys, for all your support. One way or another my mother is receiving a shitload of it. Apparently the archbishop is pulling for her. Cool.
Okay, off to pretend I didn't wake up ass early o'clock.
Apparently the archbishop is pulling for her.
...and suddenly my "I'm thinking of you" post seems quite trivial!
Running a marathon at 39 weeks is nuts - due dates have a 2-week margin of error!
My favorite line from the article is this:
Because she half-walked the race, she finished the 26.2 mile (42.16km) course in 6:25 - slower than her usual pace.
Because she walked. Not because she was about to have a baby.
This has got to be one of the weirdest TV reviews I've ever read. [link]
Man, my best friend called me: her wallet got stolen yesterday - from her secured workplace and exactly a MONTH after her wallet got stolen before.
She didn't notice but the folks with her work credit card called her about $1500.00 in charges at Target!
Of course, banks were closed yesterday and she couldn't do anything about her debit card.
I told her that this is a monthly tradition that must not continue.
This has got to be one of the weirdest TV reviews I've ever read.
Wow, reviewer. Issues much?
Aww, the picture of Andre the Giant. ::sniff::
This has got to be one of the weirdest TV reviews I've ever read.
I thought the blankie thing was meant to be a funny, OTT riff.
Why weird? I think it is meant to be funny.