So I was only mildly stressed about getting all my shit out by tomorrow night, but now I'm massively stressed. I've still got to move my bed, pack all my food and a bunch of odds and ends, move the animals, and clean. I wonder if my current landlord would give us a couple of extra days. I can't take off right now, I've already taken off early two days in a row and we've got to get this project done by Christmas.
If the damn gas company could have just called me and given me 15 minutes notice, I could have met them there no problem - our jobsite is maybe six blocks away. And here's something else weird - I just checked my phone, and I got robocalled to let me know the power was on at 12:22 pm, but the flyer claims they were there at 1:30 pm.
Yes. Kind unholy banana. Like a banana that came back wrong.
According to Wikipedia, they have a bunch of regional names involving banana, such as prairie banana or Hoosier banana. My favourite is "Banango".
I am trying to grow pawpaws, but the trees are only two feet high now. I'm on an edible landscape kick.
ION, the two dogs are now curled up next to me asleep, with their heads carefully positioned to be looking away from each other. It's very strange.
Caught up with my neighbor and one of her kittens is going to be staying with me, at the very least temporarily.
I know it seems sudden but I was thinking about this before I realized how sick Maddie was (and I was going to back out) and the kitten and Dean seem to get along. I'm looking at this as a temporary thing.
Anyone here ever eat a Pawpaw?
Nope. But I do know that if you pick a paw paw (or a prickly pear) and you prick a raw paw, then next time beware.
I love y'all. That is all.
unholy banana
Should be a band name. No, wait. A name of an album.
That way, I could go into a store and ask for an unholy banana.
I myself vote for the blasphemous banango.