But I should have seen this sooner. I called Will and he's coming up. She meowed for the first time when she had the siezures and it was horrible. I was trying to comfort her and call an emergency vet.
I can't stop blaming myself.
I can't get ahold of my parents and right now I really want to talk to my mom.
((((askye))) I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry askye. I understand that you feel responsible, but honestly there was nothing you could have done. There are things we sometimes just can't fix. Many hugs and loving thoughts.
I'm so sorry, askye. Poor Maddie, and poor you. I'm glad Will is on his way to be with you.
I am so, so sorry Askye. Glad Will will be there soon. Take care of you.
I finally got in touch with Mom. I'm feeling a little better talking to her.
Last night I kept thinking I'd wake up and find her dead or thinking other catastrophic thoughts. I do that all the time - think the worst - and it never happens. Except this time it did so that's throwing me a bit.
Oh hon. But you did see she was ailing, and you tried to get her help and care for her the best you could. I'm so sorry you didn't have longer with her, and she you.
I'm so sorry, asyke. That's sad and stressful.