ION, I just locked in a 3.875 15-year mortgage rate for refinance with my local credit union. That's down from the 6.6% one I have from my refinance in 2003, and down from the original loan at 8.5% from December 1999. Payments should be about the same as now, but a shorter loan. Plus? Local credit unions rock.
ETA: due to my current situation, they are rolling the costs into the loan, so no $$ down.
a great relief, that.
For some reason it did not surprise me that the auto taking up four spaces in the crowded parking lot was:
1) A pickup truck with
2) an American flag
3) a "God bless America" bumper sticker
4) Alabama license plates.
Dude you are not helping me stop stereotyping
But your flag decal won't get you
Into Heaven any more.
They're already overcrowded
From your dirty little war.
Now Jesus don't like killin'
No matter what the reason's for,
And your flag decal won't get you
Into Heaven any more.
t /John Prine
Omnis glad things went well with your dad.
My Dad had a stent after a heart attack and he's doing great. He went to the cardiologist and got a A++ check up (Dad said that was the doctor's term).
I'm off to Macy's to look for a shirt that is:
- A. Cheap
- B. Magically makes me feel that my whole family isn't going to be saying "Wow, she sure gained a lot of weight" behind my back.*
Note: No one in my family would actually say this, I just don't want to FEEL like they are.
Magically makes me feel that my whole family isn't going to be saying "Wow, she sure gained a lot of weight" behind my back.
Pssst! Scrappy! Turn the other way so I can say something behind your back.
"Wow, Scrappy's even
than she was when we saw her last year. It's almost intimidating that a beautiful woman could be that cool. Must be the roller skates."
Roller skates make everything cooler. Even pratfalls.
roller skates do make things cooler.
Although I mistyped that "roller stakes".
I've got part of a song stuck in my head and I wanted to listen to the whole thing so I could (hopefully) get it out of my head. But I don't remember enough of the lyrics. It's a newer song playing on rock stations with the lyric that goes (something) like "standing on the rooftop nah nah nah" (the singer actually sings the nahnahnah part - or it might be lalala).
I don't remember enough of the lyrics to come up with the song. And, of course, I haven't heard it again.
Anyone have an idea of what I'm talking about?
It's not by Lost Prophets or Rise Against.
Anyone have an idea of what I'm talking about?
Well, there's that—
It's not by Lost Prophets or Rise Against.
You must feel a kinship with this guy!
I presume it's not this?