roller skates do make things cooler.
Although I mistyped that "roller stakes".
I've got part of a song stuck in my head and I wanted to listen to the whole thing so I could (hopefully) get it out of my head. But I don't remember enough of the lyrics. It's a newer song playing on rock stations with the lyric that goes (something) like "standing on the rooftop nah nah nah" (the singer actually sings the nahnahnah part - or it might be lalala).
I don't remember enough of the lyrics to come up with the song. And, of course, I haven't heard it again.
Anyone have an idea of what I'm talking about?
It's not by Lost Prophets or Rise Against.
Anyone have an idea of what I'm talking about?
Well, there's that—
It's not by Lost Prophets or Rise Against.
You must feel a kinship with this guy!
I presume it's not this?
Thanks!! That's the song! It's the way he sings "down" that made me think it was "nahnahnah".
I couldn't remember enough of the lyrics to get that question to pop.
In fact I was just about to say the sound more like Seether than the other two bands listed.
I have a terrible time remembering lyrics, I'm always remembering them different than they were or not hearing the correctly.
Like for a long time I couldn't figure out exactly what the lyrics were in Hey, Man Nice Shot by Filter and so I kept thinking it was something like "emanation" or "imagination". Once I actually saw the title of the song it made sense.
askye, when I finally, years later, got ahold of the lyrics for all of the songs on 10,000 Maniac's first record? It was a revelation.
Magically makes me feel that my whole family isn't going to be saying "Wow, she sure gained a lot of weight" behind my back.
I knew I left something off my Thanksgiving to do list.
I made a yummy sweet potato curry for dinner.
The most embarrassing is Beastie Boys "Fight for Your Right", for the longest time I thought it was "fight for aaaaa AAAAA" clearly now I can hear the party but I could only figure it out it was talking about trying to get good grades.
Which didn't make sense with the rest of lyrics but it was the best my brain could come up with.
I totally feel you, Scrappy. This year I get a bonus of the SO, who has lost a ton of weight and picked up muscle and is nearly to his goal college weight. So every single person we see the entire holiday trip will tell him how much weight he's lost and how great he looks. I've actually lost weight too, but it is miniscule comparatively, and my haircut is awful and also I'm much greyer. He's greyer too, but it's in his temples and beard, both of which he shaves off for his mohawk.
Don't get me wrong. He's totally hot, and I'm glad he's healthier and also sexy. But women were asking him out before! I am not looking forward to the trip of negative (imaginary) comparisons.
Actually I should probably fess up that I'm not looking forward to the trip at all. I want to see family, but while the SO is anxious to check on our sick relatives, I am fearful. While he needs the social stimulation, I will miss the solitude, and I will miss my local friends, which is weird for me. This is supposed to be a furlough for us, but we're spending the entire time on the road. I know I need the break, but I kinda want to do it lying on my bed. I feel like I can't break down or recuperate or even just zonk out in our parents' houses. Especially with them sick. Like I need to spend every moment in their presences. And I love my sister but her husband's politics and racism (odd, since they worked in Africa) tire me out. And I am unused to kids around all the time, and also feel like we missed out on our nieces' and nephews' lives.
Huh. I sure am menstrually emoting, aren't I?
I'm looking forward to the food at Thanksgiving, but mostly I'm looking forward to the rest of the weekend at the beach.
DCJ, that is wonderful. Credit unions do, in fact, rock.
Scrappy, shush you. They can only dare to hope to dream to be as fantabulous as you.
Liese, pretty much the same thing!! With a side of sympathy for holiday stress. I hope you can carve out some time for yourself.