I have vacuumed the kitchen (it really needs mopped, but that was never the plan, so I don't feel bad about leaving the floor in an unmopped state [besides which, it's raining, and the dog comes in from the back yard through the kitchen, which means muddy paws all over the kitchen]), gotten my work clothes together, gotten my gym clothes together, and taken my evening meds. I have not brushed or flossed because I needed to eat a mini cupcake first. (The cupcake place gave us 12 mini cupcakes yesterday, seriously. I know they want our business, but it still thrilled me. We ate 4 [2 each] at the store and took the other 8 home. It felt really decadent.)
We also need to decide on cupcake quantities and flavors so I can sign a contract this week. Hee hee. A cupcake contract. That's so frigging cute.
But now that I have eaten the pink-frosting-ed cupcake, I will brush and floss and get into bed.
I did not have a cupcake, but I did have most of a slice of chocolate cake with raspberry chocolate icing that RI brought over.
BTW, public healthcare in this state is FUCKED, in case anyone was unclear about that. I have no charitable thoughts whatsoever about Jindal, which seems appropriate given that he's killing the charity hospitals. The stuff RI was telling me literally made me nauseated.
Anyhoo, I did my timesheet and daily log for work work. Now to figure out what absolutely has to be done for the volunteer stuff, do it, take a shower, and "sleep fast" as my mom used to say when I stayed up too late.
Or I could get sucked into research about "hempcrete" for a discussion on fb with someone I barely know. @@
Okay, refocusing.
It was Drew's birthday today! Happy Birthday, sweetie!
Okay, I have tried to move forward two different issues for the fundraiser, that's about all I can manage tonight. Now to shower and fall down go boom.
OMG, happy birthday Drew!!
Happy birthday Drew! He shares a birthday with my dad, which is a good thing in my book.
Happy birthday, Drew!
Ginger, I'm so sorry for the suckitude.
sj, I applaud you retroactively for going to the nutritionist anyway!
I have an appointment with a new endocrinologist this morning, in a place I've never been to, so of course I'm fretting. But since the cat kindly woke me at 5am, I'm already showered and breakfasted! thanks, cat.
We should have a word for fluttering about in anxiety. "Anxieting"? I do it so often, I need to be able to refer to it.
Happy Belated Drew. You share a birthday with my dad.
I hope your birthday yesterday was happy, Drew.