Happy birthday, Drew!
Ginger, I'm so sorry for the suckitude.
sj, I applaud you retroactively for going to the nutritionist anyway!
I have an appointment with a new endocrinologist this morning, in a place I've never been to, so of course I'm fretting. But since the cat kindly woke me at 5am, I'm already showered and breakfasted! thanks, cat.
We should have a word for fluttering about in anxiety. "Anxieting"? I do it so often, I need to be able to refer to it.
Happy Belated Drew. You share a birthday with my dad.
I hope your birthday yesterday was happy, Drew.
Belated Happy Birthday, ND!
Happy Belated Birthday, Noise Design!
Happy Belated, ND!!
I should have remembered that we are almost birthday twins.
May this be your happiest year ever.
And, not to impinge upon the birthday wishes:
It's really unfair that I'm miserable from the tree sex when I'm not having any myself. humph
Thanks folks.
Grrr, I'm just venting. Part of what I do is rent equipment, this means that people have to come and pick things up. What is it with people not being on time. Had a last minute rental come through, and he asked for it to be ready at 10 AM today. No problem, I had a meeting scheduled at 11:10 AM, it will be all set, get it out to him, and then go to my meeting. The meeting is actually to see one of the films that Horror Nights is using this year, I've got it all set up for me and two of my team. Yeah, the guy picking up finally calls me at 10:45 AM and says he is just leaving. From about an hour away.
I'm not not going to see the screening. I'm going to have to try to reschedule it. At least I got the other two folks on my team out the door to it.
Why ask for 10 AM if you can't even get your shit together to head this direction until 45 minutes later. People do this all the time.
I know it's just part of the landscape with rentals and I can usually let it go, but today it just has me royally pissed off.
Oo, that'd be annoying Drew. Vent away!
I am resisting the urge right now to comment on a really fucking annoying FB post by an extended family member (one my DH's uncles-by-marriage). He's making that insipid "Oo, we better outlaw pressure cooker" comment. I find it vile and loathesome, but I also know he's one step above trolling, and my blood pressure will be happier if I just don't engage.