My maiden name roughly translates to "beloved oath of god, forgiving." If you tack my married name on the end, you get "rough, crude or barbaric," which sort of spoils the whole pious thing I had going on before.
Ginger, is there anything anyone here could help with? Phone calls or anything that can be done for a distance? I know that circle really well, and it sucks to be caught in it.
Ditto what Amy said, Ginger. Anything at all.
Ginger, my thoughts go out to you as well. I know that feeling all too well. As Jen and Amy said, please let us know if there is anything we can do from a distance.
Sending you good vibes, Ginger. I'm always up for co-cheerleader productivity stuff via email. I've got a bunch of stuff to do tonight, if you want to make a little progress on something.
agreed. I cannot be on productivity shift tonight, but I can do tomorrow.
It's my bedtime. I have probably close to an hour of work work to do that I won't get paid for, the same for volunteer work, and I need to shower. And for once it's not because I was goofing off. ::sigh:: Time to shower, fix a cuppa herbal tea, and get to it. Anyone else trying to get shit done?
I have to vacuum the kitchen, get my work clothes together, get my gym clothes together, brush my teeth, floss, and get into bed.
I'm up with an upset stomach, but not trying to accomplish anything. However, I can cheerlead you from the couch.
Okay. RI is here (and I'm trying to convince her to join). First task is to update my timesheet and enter receipts.
Thanks. I'll try to come up with something in the morning that the productivity patrol could help me with.