I just "rescued" one of my neighbor's cats from the basement. It's locked and I have no idea how she got down there, I kept hearing a meow and finally went down the steps from my apartment and there she was.
I left a note, the neighbor won't be home for another hour or so. She's getting along surprising well with my cats,
Hoping for the best for Bartleby!
Sending much love and hugs and ~ma to bonny and Bartleby.
smonster, I'm searching for supportive things to say and coming up all bras.
Erin, how frustrating and scary - hope the direct deposit situation gets cleared up with a minimum of fuss and bother.
Much healing~ma to bonny and Bartleby.
Lots of ~ma and love to Bonny and Bartleby! Thanks for calling her, Sparky.
smonster, good luck today!
Erin, I hope everything works out!!
Toddson, arrrgh, same. That is so frustrating.
Hello Zen!
Went out to a local brewery with a bunch of collegiate recyclers for America Recycles Day last night. I am super hungover this morning, but have a full day of work today. urg.
I hope that Bonny and Bartleby had a good night. Sending ~ma
Much, much ~ma to Bonny and Bartleby. I hope things are looking up this morning.
Had the meeting. Program manager is leaving for family reasons, effective at the end of the month. I think it's all going to be okay, though three other employees have recently given notice. I think it's all just burn out, needing more money, and a coincidence, and not a sinking ship situation. But who knows. My supervisor is talking to the program mgr right now, I'll check in with him later.
{{{bonny and Bartleby}}}} All kinds of love and ~ma sent to you.
Oh, damn. I don't even know how I got there, but this article on Oprah's website (of all places) is kind of kicking my ass right now.
Somewhere deep inside of me I knew that if 100 percent Pam was really starting to piss Randy off, then maybe 60 percent Pam would piss him off less. I didn't articulate that to myself, and the fact that I didn't scares me. I shut myself down incrementally without being forced or even asked.
[link] (warning - anyone who's got an ill pet may not want to read this right now)
Fuuuuck. I do this, again and again, without realizing it consciously. I make myself smaller, I bend and contort to fit into other peoples' live. Must keep working on not doing that.