On reflection, I may just be super cranky today and feeling unjustifiably crabby at the world in general. My chiropractor also just broke up with me (she's leaving practice to start working for the stage worker's comp review board) and i'm way emotionally fragile.
Aw, Erin.
It seem SO many people are feeling fragile today. Is it the full moon?
Having your chiropractor leave must be so hard. There is so much trust there. May you find someone as, if not more, healing soon.
Thanks :) It does seem to be a very odd day out there, fingers crossed that it ends well.
Erin, fwiw, I don't think anyone meant to sound bullying on your particular post. I get emotionally fragile, though, oh yes. Take a bath and do something nice for yourself?
I'm so taking a bath and relaxing this evening.
It just seems the thing to do.
I'm spending the evening working on my procrastination skills. I've almost got it down.
erin, at least you didn't change your profile pic to a greater than sign, and then be all blithe about it. As someone on my flist did.
I am not feeling particularly fragile, but I am exhausted as usual. But I can sleep in until 6:30 tomorrow, because that job is DONE.
bonny, that sucks.
My afternoon was better than my morning, but I'm still spending the evening drinking wine and scrolling through tumblr. Which isn't that different than how I spend the evening after a good day. So.
I had a total agro fit this morning about something work related. Complete with shaking, shortness of breath and spontaneous headache.
As soon as I realized my physical condition, I took many steps back and many deep breaths.
It seemed like everyone was soaking up everyone else's negative energy and I was in the middle of the vortex.
I decided to be the still point in this particular ever-turning world and stepped out of the fray.
Then, a long walk with Cagney, some doggy play, waaaay too much food and a drowsy, unproductive afternoon.
Now, I'm thinking about how soon I can go to bed.
Hitting the resent button.
Tomorrow might be better.
In a lighter note, I can't remember if I mentioned darkening my bedroom over the last week.
It's amazing. For the last 14.5 years, I've woken up every two hours. The last four nights, I've woken up just once per night. JUST ONCE! I can't even believe the difference.
a greater than sign
I LOVE passive aggressiveness. just LOVE it.