Cassava coconut cake. (Cassava is the plant from which tapioca is made).
I make cheesy rolls from tapioca flour all the time (I understand they're like the ones served at Brazilian steak places).
And a ton of the gluten-free recipe blogs I read are cooking with coconut flour now, because it's a non-grain flour (almond flour is popular, too). I haven't baked with coconut flour, only because I am lazy and happy with gluten-free all-purpose flour, but I'd like to try coconut flour some time. I've baked a little bit with almond flour.
Man, I really want a cupcake now.
sumi, I'm sorry, I must have been misremembering. You saw a place you liked, right? Have you seen any others?
meara, I meant to say earlier, I'm crossing my fingers for you that it's nothing to worry about!
meara, I meant to say earlier, I'm crossing my fingers for you that it's nothing to worry about!
Gah, I did, too. Sorry for the self-absorption. My OB/GYN said that, like you mentioned, when women are in their 40s, breast tissue is so dense that mammogram results can be confusing. Fingers crossed that you just have dense, confusing boobs!
And if they know about your mother(?) maybe they want to make extra sure. But I don't blame you for worrying a little.
I have no idea how I'll get that's really hard to find accessible mammo equipment.
meara, I somehow managed to miss your post. Tons of it's-nothing~ma headed your way.
Same here, meara.
Steph, you could always have a co-ed engagement party instead of a shower if you're getting pressure to have something.
co-ed engagement party
A boy-girl party???
(Yes, the first place my mind went was junior high.)
You could play 7 Minutes in Heaven!!!1!
you could always have a co-ed engagement party instead of a shower
This seems to be popular lately. I've seen them called Jack and Jill parties for unknown reasons. Replacing both the bridal shower and the bachelor party things.
Although it was my 3rd wedding and his 1st, and we had a well established household with plenty of toasters and blenders, we still did the registry thing and got lots of cool gifts. We were equally ok with gifts to charities in our name or with people that came to celebrate with us not bearing gifts.
Whatever works for the bride and groom. (someday I will bore you with the horror of my 2nd maid of honor) It is easy for me to say enjoy the whole thing and let the unwelcome suggestions roll off without a thought. But really try and not let the crazies get to you and try to focus on the joy of getting married to someone that loves you and wants to marry you!
Mmmm, wedding cake! nom nom nom. Sorry I can't offer more practical advice beyond that. All the options sound yummy to me.
that...makes me feel like this is rather more urgent than I had hoped it was. If you know what I mean. Grrr.
I'm guessing it's most likely the dense breast tissue thing. That's happened to me before, and as with you they scheduled my follow-up for the soonest day possible.