you could always have a co-ed engagement party instead of a shower
This seems to be popular lately. I've seen them called Jack and Jill parties for unknown reasons. Replacing both the bridal shower and the bachelor party things.
Although it was my 3rd wedding and his 1st, and we had a well established household with plenty of toasters and blenders, we still did the registry thing and got lots of cool gifts. We were equally ok with gifts to charities in our name or with people that came to celebrate with us not bearing gifts.
Whatever works for the bride and groom. (someday I will bore you with the horror of my 2nd maid of honor) It is easy for me to say enjoy the whole thing and let the unwelcome suggestions roll off without a thought. But really try and not let the crazies get to you and try to focus on the joy of getting married to someone that loves you and wants to marry you!
Mmmm, wedding cake! nom nom nom. Sorry I can't offer more practical advice beyond that. All the options sound yummy to me.
that...makes me feel like this is rather more urgent than I had hoped it was. If you know what I mean. Grrr.
I'm guessing it's most likely the dense breast tissue thing. That's happened to me before, and as with you they scheduled my follow-up for the soonest day possible.
someday I will bore you with the horror of my 2nd maid of honor
I finally get to actualize my total lack of understanding why wedding parties exist. Unless Tim really wants a best man, in which case I'll probably rustle up my brother to be Bro of Honor. Although I was going to ask him if he'd get ordained online and marry us. (Of course, if he doesn't want to, then I'm back to looking for a Batman.)
Gluten-free wedding cakes and co-ed showers are all the rage around here.
Sticky Fingers bakery, uptown, won Cupcake Wars! (gluten free AND vegan)
One thing two friends of mine did was get married at the registry then have a celebration party six weeks later. Six it was a "party" and not a wedding or reception that left them free to do whatever they wanted to pick and choose from various tradions. For instance if you were legally married at the registry, then you could get married by Batman in party without needing to worry about whether the Batman was a minister or anything - not even the need to buy an ordination from the Universal Life Ministry. Cause the ceremony at the party would be for emotional purposes and have no legal significance.
Although I was going to ask him if he'd get ordained online and marry us. (Of course, if he doesn't want to, then I'm back to looking for a Batman.)
If you want to get married out here in CA, I'd happily hitch y'all! Sorry, don't have a Batman outfit.
Meara, hope all goes well in the follow up. Don't stress. It's always better to be safe than sorry.
Sumi, tons of housing~ma out to you! You doing ok over there?
So funny thing at work. Well, at lunch. So it's me and co-worker, about 1.5 miles away at Chipotle. We are done eating, and neither of us jumping up to return back to campus. Finally I say, "well, I suppose we should head back" (rather unenthusiastically). He responds (in mock child whine) "I don't wanna. And you can't make me". To which I say, "No, but I can leave you here, if you wish". He looks towards campus, does the mental math, and jumps up gathering our trash and saying "well look at that, you CAN make me! Who knew!"
It was funnier in the moment. Possibly the difference in vocal inflections.
Anyhow. Must work late tonight. Don't wanna. Whine Whine Whine. Helping out professor that is a royal pain in everyone's ass. Somehow, he got to host a big fund raiser where the dean of our school, and the chancellor of the university will be there. So. I have to. Blargh.
I have learned that people in the healthcare profession, specifically those scheduling appointments, have very few people skills. I don't know if the job burns them out or not, but it can be worrisome and wearying on the patient side. Hang in there, I am sure it is nothing, but you get 'ma from me on that order as well.
I'm guessing it's most likely the dense breast tissue thing. That's happened to me before, and as with you they scheduled my follow-up for the soonest day possible.
That does make me feel a bit better! And thanks everyone. I, too, am pretty sure it's just the dense breasts thing, but between my moms thing (hers was diagnosed at her first mammo at 40!) and a childhood friend (whos not hardly okder than me and has fewer risk factors!) having it recently, it freaked me out a bit more than I thought it would.
...and when this plane just loaded my boss had sent another "call me when you get to your hotel" email, but thankfully added "don't worry it's good stuff". But now I'm so curious!!
Ive seen a couple places Ive liked - I fear my crappy credit history trumped my stable work history and the 17 years Ive lived in the current spt. This makes me think Im going to have maximum trouble finding a place at all.