I'm glad HPF is feeling better this morning, but you must be exhausted.
I'm glad she's feeling better too. I hope it sticks.
Right now she's getting set to do a TinyWriMo - she's answering a bunch of questions for writing her novel about an underground fairy named Lily (she's reading Laura Amy Schlitz' The Night Fairy). I'm betting there will be about 20 minutes of quiet, followed by requests to watch Kiki's Delivery Service (yes), Harry Potter (only if I'm desperate), and Star Wars (newp - went back to netflix), followed by sulking, knitting, and then general trashing of the house when I suggest a nap. Then some more working on her story. Then requests for pizza.
Good thing DH has all-day meetings, followed by a late work dinner.
Right now she's getting set to do a TinyWriMo
I'm ded from the cuteness of this.
I just wanted to thank everyone for all the warm thoughts. I posted on my blog recently about "my village" and while I didn't mention b.org by name you guys are definitely part of that.
And I feel better about the whole situation this morning. Sometimes you do have to know when to just let go. Hopefully, both my baby and his father will have a long life and can get to know each other during some point, even if it's not at the beginning.
It's like, I know you can't fix and change people, but I still want to. Which is really, really frustrating.
Which extends to the people you create. Still painfully observing my child's learning experiences, silently for the most part.
{{Bitches}} Loving thoughts for all.
Working at home today in my jammies. It just seems like the best plan.
Working at home today in my jammies. It just seems like the best plan.
I think that sounds like a fabulous plan.
And, {{{{}}}} for all who needs/wants it.
Right now she's getting set to do a TinyWriMo
OMG, love! Stealing this idea to do with M over Xmas break!
::looks around quiet thread::
::cups hands around mouth::
Hiya smonster. So lazy today. I have watched hours upon hours of recorded tv and even live tv. I can't seem to focus on anything.
smonster, how's your hip/IT band? I was thinking of you today because my doctor sent me to get an X-ray of my lower back/left hip since it's been giving me grief for 2 months.
I think it's probably just really persistent trigger points that I'm not being diligent in attacking with the tennis balls/foam roller (which is THE DEVIL). But my doctor said I could have some arthritis starting in my hip that could be referring pain out to the muscle and causing trigger points (which in turn make the muscles have pain). Which would still make it mostly a muscular thing in the end, but I guess if I have some arthritis starting it would be good to know.