Woo, chatty Bitches tonight!
But my couch holds me and tells me to forget about those damn floors. My couch will love me forever! Screw you, floors!
I love you, Nora.
I hate the post office, too! And it's never that bad! I don't know why.
My super awesome wise friend who can always put relationship shit in perspective for me has done so again.
eta her email included this sentence, which is ringing in my ears like a bell: "You can't give up on every good thing just because it doesn't go at the pace you want."
I just sent StW a short and calm email clarifying some things. We'll see what I get back. I also pulled out a Thich Nhat Hanh book and started reading it, that was good. Need moar mindfulness.
Time to see if I can get my back to unkink so I can get back to sleep.
Migraine-induced insomnia (augmented by the meds, which have caffeine in them -- UNFAIR). God DAMN, it is 4:25 a.m.
Looks like a half-day tomorrow. Heavier drugs and hot compress, here I come.
I've been using the FlyLady stuff that makes sense for me, and ignoring the rest, as well as rolling my eyes at the perkiness. But it's really helpful to me to have things broken down into steps and small tasks. Like, today's task is to pick up all the jackets and shoes and stuff that collect by the front door and put them where they belong. Which I know needs to be done, but so do a million other things, and I would have gotten bogged down in trying to decide which thing to do first and ended up doing nothing.
Me, too. My main solution has been to put dishes away whenever I'm microwaving something. Of course, that's during the brief periods when the dishwasher is working.
That's exactly what I do. When I microwave or am making coffee I load and unload or clear crap off the counter. It helps things not get too far out of hand.
So I decided to sign up for flylady e-mails last night just to see if it would be helpful to me, and since then I have gotten 7 emails from the website. Is this a normal day with flylady or is this just a lot of introductory stuff all at once? Because honestly, I find 7 e-mails in 24 hours from the same website more annoying than helpful.
sj, that's one of the reason I unsubbed, besides the too fucking cheerful about cleaning -- too many damn emails.
If you switch to digest, is it better?
yes, switch it to digest. I did that and I think I get an email a week.
However, in direct opposition to flylady style: I do not read the email messages.
Yeah, I use the digest thing and get one email a day.
How are you guys getting one e-mail a week? I must have selected "every day" for the digest -- it's just one long e-mail a day (the individual e-mails are broken up with headers, etc; it's not just an unrelenting wall of text). Individual e-mails would be too overwhelming for me.
I skim over about 60% of the messages most days.
t edit
But one digest e-mail per day is fine for me; I read it over coffee in the morning.