Me, too. My main solution has been to put dishes away whenever I'm microwaving something. Of course, that's during the brief periods when the dishwasher is working.
That's exactly what I do. When I microwave or am making coffee I load and unload or clear crap off the counter. It helps things not get too far out of hand.
So I decided to sign up for flylady e-mails last night just to see if it would be helpful to me, and since then I have gotten 7 emails from the website. Is this a normal day with flylady or is this just a lot of introductory stuff all at once? Because honestly, I find 7 e-mails in 24 hours from the same website more annoying than helpful.
sj, that's one of the reason I unsubbed, besides the too fucking cheerful about cleaning -- too many damn emails.
If you switch to digest, is it better?
yes, switch it to digest. I did that and I think I get an email a week.
However, in direct opposition to flylady style: I do not read the email messages.
Yeah, I use the digest thing and get one email a day.
How are you guys getting one e-mail a week? I must have selected "every day" for the digest -- it's just one long e-mail a day (the individual e-mails are broken up with headers, etc; it's not just an unrelenting wall of text). Individual e-mails would be too overwhelming for me.
I skim over about 60% of the messages most days.
t edit
But one digest e-mail per day is fine for me; I read it over coffee in the morning.
I heat up canned cat food over hot water (no microwave) in the mornings and evenings, set a timer for seven minutes, and empty the drain board and do dishes. I still have to do another 10-15 minutes of dishes, but it's helpful to tie it into something I have to wait on.
Puppy boy was hella late (2 hrs) and so I wrote him up. Sorry you're having a suck day; set an alarm on your phone.
Y'all have me terrified of the FlyLady. I am afraid she'd just make me feel guilty and awful on top of my inability to keep everything clean.
Actually, she's been the opposite of guilt-making for me. She has all these little catchphrases like, it didn't get dirty in a day, it's not going to get clean in a day, that let me let go enough to say, okay, it'll get a little bit cleaner today, and screw the rest. But I realize I've drunk the koolaid on this one, so I may not be a reliable source.
I get the individual emails, which are indeed ridiculous in volume. But I have set up mail filters that pick out, for example, the daily mission. I filter out the product testimonials as much as possible. So then I only have a few each day that are relevant to me, and I read those, unless I'm needing some more motivation. And I delete them all regularly. Because Flylady told me to.
I load/empty the dishwasher while waiting for coffee to brew...mostly. Some days, I just stare blankly at the coffee pot and heat milk for cafe au lait.