I complained about subby Batman somewhere else, and got this:
Dude, there is no top and no bottom in this relationship. It is a wild, uncontrolled flurry of anger, judgment and deep, unyielding respect. It is two titans meeting, joining with their bodies and hearts.
I love the Internet.
What if you have to pee?
Then you don't eat the bottom part.
Dear Brain: Talk about subby Batman should remain separate from talk about not eating the bottom part. Thanks.
So subby Batman eats you starting from the bottom?
So subby Batman eats you starting from the bottom?
Yes. And there's pee involved.
Oh, bollocks. I've been spending time on the Atlantic blogs, particularly TNC's blog, because he is really interesting and he has a great, and well-moderated, comment section.
Except today the IT guys updated the webfiltering database again, and now Disqus, and Disqus comments, are blocked. I can read the posts, but none of the comments.
... this means I'm going to have to be productive, doesn't it? I'll have to file...
I read that as Honest Legos at first and was befuddled.
Celebrating the Ides of Grilled Cheese Month for lunch, yum!