How long should brake pads last? I had new rear brake pads installed in December 2009, and by June 2010 they were down to 4 mm. Don't new pads start at 12 mm? It seems really sketchy that my brake pads would wear down 75% in 6 months.
Maybe it depends on how you drive?
A friend had a Toyota Corolla and she had to replace her pads every 9 months or a year, IIRC. But she tends to do this 'hit the gas, hit the brakes, hit the gas, hit the brakes' thing.
If there were a textual version of a shamefaced foot-shuffle, I would be doing it right now. Yeah, I pretty much drive that way. But I just don't remember replacing my brakes very often before this. (And no, that's not because I drove them down to the metal. Perhaps I have become a worse driver. Most people who have ridden with me would agree with that.)
Well, bah. I like my money with me, not Toyota. But I also like my car to stop when I ask it to.
I'm also undead. That's no fun.
I just had to write up meeting minutes for a meeting like that today. I literally had in my notes "something something blah blah blah."
I'm a time traveler. Jack and I should get together to compare notes. Or, you know, something.
My onerous task today will be getting the rear wiperblade replaced on my car. The actual replacement isn't that onerous, but remembering to do it has proven to be so.
I'm undead too ... nothing's fallen off. Yet.
I may have found all the papers I need. I found some tax-related papers, anyway. My end table is four shelves that are actually removable trays. The top one is nice and stable and I forget that the lower ones are quite wobbly and will, if a cat jumps on them, for example, spill everything they are holding and right themselves. So under that bottom shelf is a treasure trove of things I wanted to keep handy. Was, as I have retrieved it all now. I am sure it will start collecting stuff again soon.
I have run out of Batman/Superman slash fic to read, which is amazing considering that a week ago I had zero interest in any such thing. Most of it, naturally, was either overly romantic crap or indulgently torrid sex scenes written by people who have probably never had sex. I'm disturbed at the number of people who apparently think Superman has no brain and Batman is a scary sort of father figure. If I knew enough of the actual canon I might try writing it, but I don't, and the actual canon seems very confusing and possibly not much better written than some of the fanfic. There also seem to be 83754 universes *in canon* with Superman and Batman in them, so how can anyone tell what's canon and what isn't? Anyway. I still have a bad cold and I'm going back to bed, without any slash fic except what's in my head. Hey, that rhymed. And scanned. I'm a poet on cold medicine.
I would have thought this was awesome if it had happened at my school [link]
I am a pirate on the geek zodiac, and TCG is a time traveller.