My suggestion was to e-mail him a copy of the file he sent us, with that section highlighted, and to ask him exactly what part of HIS correction is the problem.
That's what I'd do. Only, you know, translated into passive-aggressive corporate bullshitspeak.
Incompetent!Boss spoke with the author (it really was a comedy of errors -- every phone number we had for him was wrong, which is hilarious, since he gave us the wrong city for his own job), and told him we could make the change (we CAN, it's just a pain, since the issue went to press yesterday), and then Incompetent!Boss pointed out that we were just using the info the author gave us.
Well done, I!B. Well done.
Onerous task: reading up on how to do subcutaneous fluid injections on cats. (Guess who has decided to stop drinking water, and is showing very little interest in food? ARgh.)
Oh, dear. If there's any good news, sub-Q fluid is not that onerous if the cat is reasonably cooperative, especially if someone's available to hold the cat. (Helpful hint you probably won't find in the book: If you have a free hand, squeeze the bag once the fluid flow has started. It's a harmless way to get fluid into cat faster.)
About 75 pages of the edit done. I'm going to have some healthy salad (potluck at work today), do up as many more pages as I can while I finish it, and make the call. Then the dread resume. Onerosity ahoy.
Yay for April 18! That's fantastic news.
ION, according to the Geek Zodiac I am a spy. Lame, lame, lame. The only sadder thing would have been astronaut. I could just cry over not being a time-traveler.
eta: ITA with Fred Pete. I've sub-Q'd a couple of my dad's cats from time to time. Usually a cat that needs it isn't feeling that great already, so sometimes it's not much of a struggle at all - they're feeling crummy already, they just want to sit still and be cuddled. And it never seemed to hurt them, as long as I went for the thick loose skin at the back of the neck (also, getting the fluids definitely made them feel better, so once they worked out that JZ+bag+needle=I feel like a proper CAT again, they were pretty cooperative).
You were a time traveler, but it turned out you were just too awesome to exist, so you went back in time and made sure you were a spy instead.
If there's any good news, sub-Q fluid is not that onerous if the cat is reasonably cooperative, especially if someone's available to hold the cat.
Pete will be holding the cat, as I am the one who has NO needle squick. And Tzepesh is the most mellow cat on earth, so I figure he won't cause me too much trouble. All the tutorials I've looked at online seem pretty straightforward, thank goodness.
I'm a time-traveler, JZ, and I hate it! Let's trade!
and they took a stock photo of a plate of ribs and photoshopped the bones out.
I'm sorry some people feel their world is all askew, but that's really funny.
I frequently flip through this magazine and look at the pictures and think, "Hey, that looks good, maybe I'll try making it." I remember seeing that picture, though, and thinking, "Wow, that looks really weird and kind of icky." Now that I look at it again, I can see that it's because there are weird blurry lines through it where the bones used to be. It doesn't look like meat anymore, but it doesn't look like seitan, either.
I'm supposedly a superhero, which calls the veracity of whole thing into question. Can't the internet be trusted anymore?
Deal, Tom. You look a lot more dashing in a tux than I do, and I look better in period corsetry than you, so it's a total win all around.