If there's any good news, sub-Q fluid is not that onerous if the cat is reasonably cooperative, especially if someone's available to hold the cat.
Pete will be holding the cat, as I am the one who has NO needle squick. And Tzepesh is the most mellow cat on earth, so I figure he won't cause me too much trouble. All the tutorials I've looked at online seem pretty straightforward, thank goodness.
I'm a time-traveler, JZ, and I hate it! Let's trade!
and they took a stock photo of a plate of ribs and photoshopped the bones out.
I'm sorry some people feel their world is all askew, but that's really funny.
I frequently flip through this magazine and look at the pictures and think, "Hey, that looks good, maybe I'll try making it." I remember seeing that picture, though, and thinking, "Wow, that looks really weird and kind of icky." Now that I look at it again, I can see that it's because there are weird blurry lines through it where the bones used to be. It doesn't look like meat anymore, but it doesn't look like seitan, either.
I'm supposedly a superhero, which calls the veracity of whole thing into question. Can't the internet be trusted anymore?
Deal, Tom. You look a lot more dashing in a tux than I do, and I look better in period corsetry than you, so it's a total win all around.
Dang, I want msbelle to do our taxes this year. We'z gonna owe a bit.
Today's onerosity: taxes, installing a new dryer (which was a FAIL!), and grading. Plus grading. And grading.
I am freaking out over next week. Spring break for my kids, but I'm still teaching. Sister and her family coming on Tuesday. Oh, and Easter! eek!
I'm Godzilla, apparently.
Onerous non-work-related task: making appointment to give Toyota a lot of my money in order to make sure my car stops when I press the brake pedal.
How long should brake pads last? I had new rear brake pads installed in December 2009, and by June 2010 they were down to 4 mm. Don't new pads start at 12 mm? It seems really sketchy that my brake pads would wear down 75% in 6 months.
That said, I'm not sure if the current source of the horrific sound when I brake is the front or the rear brakes.
Hmm, I'm a Pirate and my husband is Undead. And it appears I'm raising a Time Traveler and a Ninja. I think Isaac is going to psyched about that one.