I can't stop sneezing. And am suddenly obsessed with buying a place. Maybe in two years? Of course, maybe prices will be crazy by then. Ah well.
I am still trying to get the few things I need to finish my onerous tasks for the week, and it is still nearly impossible.
I should be grading. Instead, I'm watching the vegan parts of the internet freak out. A blog just revealed that the big vegan magazine has been using stock photos to illustrate their recipes, rather than photos of what the recipe actually makes, and quite a few of them have been photos of foods that contained meat. Most of them were things like a vegetable stew illustrated with a photo of a chicken stew where you can't actually see the chicken, really. But one of them was a BBQ plate, where the recipe was for some sort of vegan protein with BBQ sauce (I think it was seitan), and they took a stock photo of a plate of ribs and photoshopped the bones out.
That sounds correct to me, msbelle. And your credit is better than my credit, which was a loan. This is the first year I'm starting to pay it off. But since they argued with me and didn't want to give it to me to begin with, I would have had to pay back the whole $7500 last year, so I am okay with paying back $500 of it now. Anyway, go, arguing with authority and winning!
And am suddenly obsessed with buying a place. Maybe in two years? Of course, maybe prices will be crazy by then. Ah well.
Right? My uncle has been telling me to buy a place for years. For like five years. Every year he tells me it's the best time because the market is at the bottom and Bay Area real estate will always go up. But is the market going up yet? Maybe it will stay at the bottom FOREVER.
I am totally slacking on my onerous task, and now someone just called me and asked me to do something else.
I did just find the first two seasons of The Adventures of Pete and Pete on DVD at a ladies auxiliary sale.
Peep Diorama Contest winner's gallery.
Peep-Tiki is my favorite.
I love that vegan scandal. Can you be tainted by looking at a picture of meat? Could a lesbian become straight if she saw a picture of an erect penis? The visual contamination might never end.
I can't believe bon kind of works in my field.
I can't believe I'm on my fourth con call of the day.
I can't believe I haven't set up those damned meetings for Monday yet. Damn.
Facebook is having some serious problems for me this morning. Is it because it's onerous task day and I'm not supposed to be futzing around over there?
It's just getting in the spirit of the day and making itself more onerous.
I love that vegan scandal. Can you be tainted by looking at a picture of meat? Could a lesbian become straight if she saw a picture of an erect penis? The visual contamination might never end.
A lot of the people complaining are complaining because these photos were put next to specific recipes, and when they made the recipe it looked nothing like the photo.