I love that vegan scandal. Can you be tainted by looking at a picture of meat? Could a lesbian become straight if she saw a picture of an erect penis? The visual contamination might never end.
A lot of the people complaining are complaining because these photos were put next to specific recipes, and when they made the recipe it looked nothing like the photo.
when they made the recipe it looked nothing like the photo.
In breaking, other news, that's not what a McDonalds burger looks like.
wow, this turned from a basic net $0 tax year to a big refund. holy cow, that helps my life.
Here's the blog revealing the photo thing [link] (This blogger has done the "BREAKING NEWS! SCANDAL!" thing before.)
In breaking, other news, that's not what a McDonalds burger looks like.
But I think that most people expect that, in a cooking magazine, a photo shown next to a recipe will be styled to look better, but will at least be a photo of something made from that recipe.
Um, I have never made a recipe and had it look just like the photo!
She says as she leaves town!! I'm here! (er, ish...Pleasanton isn't quite the same but)
That seems like more of an issue than "not vegan". I'd be irked about that in an omnivore magazine.
Onerous tasks: Follow-up phone call re scheduling a reading for Allyson. Update my resume. Finish second pass-through of current ms for Plus One and return to other editors and author.
There's also taxes, but one piece of paperwork is still at home. Everything's done except for that; I just need to plug that one thing in and hit "send" at H&R Block. But since we owe money, I'm bloody well waiting until 11:59:59 PM tomorrow on that one.
But I think that most people expect that, in a cooking magazine, a photo shown next to a recipe will be styled to look better, but will at least be a photo of something made from that recipe.
I'm sure I've mentioned it here, but people know that fashion magazine covers are essentially contracted out and that whichever make-up company has that month's cover just matches their closest colors to the existing photo, right? At least, that's how it worked not that long ago.
Onerous tasks: Balance checkbook, make an appointment to donate blood, and whittle my inbox from 23 down to, let's say, 5. That would make me super happy.
Oh yeah, and work stuff: lots of proofreading.