1. Why does goodstuff have a cheetah hunting picture? I mean, *I* like it, but I'm not nice. Also, why is goodstuff goodshit in my head? I can never remember the URL.
2. Tumblr has just told me that Tom Hardy is a recorded but unreleased rapper. Therefore he should make a(nother) movie with Idris Elba. Except this one they both use their musical talents.
Yes! Why do you know that?
Because fermentation is in my bailiwick?
Um, I didn't actually notice the prey when I clicked to reblog.
Because fermentation is in my bailiwick?
Your bailiwick is fascinating. Porn and fermentation. I want a cool bailiwick like that.
I didn't actually notice the prey when I clicked to reblog.
Do I have to be your nice filter? That would be so cool.
The next one up looks a little yikes as well, but the caption says it's nice.
Hmmph. I sent you a story of peril with a happy rescue ending, and it didn't pass muster. And now you're posting big cat dinnertime?
Life isn't fair.
What was that story again?
What was that story again?
Hmmph². Like I remember. Well, okay, it was the story of someone being rescued from a rape attempt. In a completely allergy-inducing way. Good stuff happens! Even if it starts out bad!
Oh yeah, it was pretty bad for a long time. Framing!
Should I admit that I label every container with contents and date and keep a refrigerator inventory database with estimated expiration dates?
That is super impressive.
I am currently pleased with myself that I took something out of the freezer for dinner instead of buying crap. And it was labeled: Chili 5/11.
I've started writing the date on the pasta sauce label when I open a new jar. That's about as disciplined as I get with food tracking.
I also wrote on the label of the newest 500-count ibuprofen jar the date I opened it, because we go through those things WAY too fast, or at least it seems that way. So I decided to actually track it. We are the Sid and Nancy of ibuprofen.