Wait, so now just anyone can light water on fire?!?
Anyone who lives in a natural gas area with a poorly vented well, yes.
This part:
But stories like Vargson's beg the question: couldn't this energy be harvested without the unfortunate side effect of, you know, setting people's kitchens aflame?
Is urban legend. Inflammable water occurs in areas where there is fracking because fracking happens where the natural gas is - there isn't a cause and effect relationship there. [link]
[eta - Oh wait, I didn't see the WSJ article. No time to read it now, but I'm curious to see what it says.]
Modcloth is having a sale, but I don't need a new jacket, dammit. Why do they keep doing this to me?
This is the introduction to the e-mail I sent to the CRAs about that thrice-dying patient:
According to the report the site has submitted, the patient died three times on three different days, and the most recent death is ongoing, which seems torturous, not to mention non-compliant with the SAE Reporting Guidelines.
When I worked at my dad's office one summer, there was a medical report on a claimant saying, "Patient suffered cardiac arrest and sudden death. This was particularly serious considering patient's history of cardiac arrest and sudden death."
Or, probably, it's already been done.
Yeah, it has. Not to my satisfaction, so I think there's room for a Buffista business plan.
Who here doesn't know what "fapping" means?
I'm not dirty, am I? Just...informed, right?
I have my suspicions, but have never sought out confirmation.
Have a community meeting tonight. Kinda don't wanna go, but feel I need to stay informed.
I doubt that Rick's "theoretical" death announcement would have occasioned many accusations of sock-puppet pseudicide, especially since it wouldn't take much Googling to establish a male of his approximate age, occupation, location et cetera died. In fact, there would probably have been links to obituaries and places to send flowers or donations. You know, all the real stuff that happens when real people pass.
I had my doubts about Gus from fairly early on, but so far as I could see he was benign (little did I know about broken promises) and very much I could be wrong, anyway.
In the end, it was the pseudicide that did the most emotional damage. If he'd just faded away, it would have been kinder -- in response to the friendliness he'd been shown by this community, he repaid it with mean-spirited selfish stir-causing.
I know I've heard the term, but I can't say off the top of my head what it is.
Well? We're waiting.
Longer than the actual duck. It's a simple story, really. Picture: [link]
That's a great link of flea's. My favourite quote:
Eversion of the 20 cm muscovy duck penis is explosive, taking an average of 0.36 sec, and achieving a maximum velocity of 1.6 m sec−1.
Turbo penis!