Aftershock ups Japanese crisis to Chernobyl level?
There was a strong aftershock early today, and workers briefly evacuated. They lost offsite power for about an hour, but there was no apparent additional damage. They have recently moved additional diesel generators to the site.
Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency announced today that it is increasing the INES rating to Level 7, but that is largely due to new calculations that the radioactivity released early in the accident reached the level specified for a Level 7. It's not due to worsening conditions; the radiation level has continued to decline. That amount of radioactivity was about 10 percent of the radioactivity released at Chernobyl, and far less in terms of exposure to people.
The question that will be raised is whether these are "new" calculations, or whether TEPCO knew the levels earlier. There was so much confusion at the beginning that it's really hard to know.