Not going to bed early is a hugely ingrained habit, man.
Whooo, tell me about it. I am lamenting about getting up at 8:30 in the morning so I can go into the office tomorrow. Working at home does not help me adjust to being a daywalker, that's for sure.
but that's because he stays up too late watching Power Girl cosplay fanvids (true story)
Just how DID you two kids get together?
(I am totally at fault for introducing him to comic books, and while he read all of Blue Beetle, and does have an opinion on whether Superman or Batman would be the bottom in an S/B scenario, he was lost, as so many men are, to the hypnotic pull of Power Girl's inexplicable costume.) (That art is by Chatty!Co-worker, BTW.)
Wait, hah, I was thinking Power PUFF Girls.
Chatty co-worker's pretty good. I'd favourite some of his stuff, but streams might cross.
I might get this bookshelf put together before I go to bed. I wasn't expecting that. I will not get tidied up after that.
I do want to play Uno, suddenly and quite explicably.
Chatty co-worker's pretty good. I'd favourite some of his stuff, but streams might cross.
He's actually doing some spec work for one of the big comics companies, as an inker. Less spec work, more of a training/tryout thing. This is huge. Very huge. So I'm hanging on to the couple-few things he's drawn for me. (That Spider-Man fighting the Vulture picture on his Deviant Art page? Is actually something he drew for me as a thank you when I gave him a bunch of art supplies I had bought for a class that I had to drop out of due to wrist tendonitis. Spidey and the Vulture are fighting on the wall over the computer desk. Soon the Gotham poster will join it, when I get around to framing it.)
That's really cool.
I framed my Gotham ages ago. I will hang it by next week, for sure.
Gotham is framed and on my wall! I might need this one, too: [link]
I would complain that Wonder Woman doesn't have one...but I have no idea where she lives. Oops. Okay, I've half stacked the bookshelf. I'm going to hang the picture and go to bed. One day, it will look like...okay, it won't look like an adult lives here. But it might look tidy and decorated.
Oh, this is so adorable. My niece and nephew did this little routine fighting Darth Vader at Disney, so I know how it's supposed to go. But this little girl opts to join the Dark Side, complete with bow to Darth! Hee. I wish that Windu had enough presence of mind to fight her instead, so that she'd had a chance to try out her sweet moves she'd spent all that time rehearsing anyway.
They usually do a pretty good job improving with the kiddoes, but this was probably a first for him! During my niece & nephew's time, most of the kids did a little half-hearted fight, but my boy was out for blood and whacked away at Darth, and then powerwalked away, having defeated his foe, so Darth turns to the audience and goes "Impressive." So awesome.
But yeah, this girl rocks it. Noah'd probably be right with her on this one.