Sass, are you home yet?
Sadly, very sadly, no.
I spoke to Sparky at about 7:30. They had been out all day, but have no new clues. They have to go back to work tomorrow and Sparky is exhausted both physically and emotionally.
The tracker is here and doing what he does...they have put up about 800 flyers. But no news.
I am so crushingly sad for them. BUT, it took two weeks for my landlord's dog to be found, so I'm holding out hope.
I'm sure any continuing prayers/wishes/good thoughts/repostings of repostings would be appreciated. By me, if nothing else.
Oh, man, I am chronically sleep-deprived, because my natural inclination is to sleep from 4am to noon. And the trazodone is definitely helping with that, but only if I
go to bed
when I should. Not going to bed early is a hugely ingrained habit, man.
but that's because he stays up too late watching Power Girl cosplay fanvids (true story)
Just how DID you two kids get together?
Oh, man, I am chronically sleep-deprived, because my natural inclination is to sleep from 4am to noon. And the trazodone is definitely helping with that, but only if I go to bed when I should. Not going to bed early is a hugely ingrained habit, man.
Oh, me too. I have never got used to an early bedtime, and now I need to get up around 6:00 to get to work on time. Even if I've spent the day feeling like the walking dead, I get a second wind around 9:00 pm. The year I spent out of work, Ryan's first year, I'd do the late night shift with him until about 4:00.
I usually get about 6 hours of sleep a night, but I am not a short sleeper. I'm just high strung and chronically sleep deprived.
Oh, plus now I want to reread Hitchhiker's Guide.
Not going to bed early is a hugely ingrained habit, man.
Whooo, tell me about it. I am lamenting about getting up at 8:30 in the morning so I can go into the office tomorrow. Working at home does not help me adjust to being a daywalker, that's for sure.
but that's because he stays up too late watching Power Girl cosplay fanvids (true story)
Just how DID you two kids get together?
(I am totally at fault for introducing him to comic books, and while he read all of Blue Beetle, and does have an opinion on whether Superman or Batman would be the bottom in an S/B scenario, he was lost, as so many men are, to the hypnotic pull of Power Girl's inexplicable costume.) (That art is by Chatty!Co-worker, BTW.)
Wait, hah, I was thinking Power PUFF Girls.