So far the most positive comments I've seen have been along the lines of "charming on TV but completely unbelievable because come on, nobody's THAT dorky in real life and if they were I would hate them."
Jess, I was having a very similar response to people's reactions to Amy Farrah Fowler on Big Bang Theory. But at least she's a more minor character, so every review isn't about her.
Ok, clearly I don't need to hijack the thread over this. Stepping away now.
I just want to say, one of the things that I loved about Jess is that she seems genuine. She simply is who she is, and I value that. She's not drawing attention to her "otherness" and she doesn't expect special treatment. I loved that about her.
Thank you Sue!
It started off with a fender bender with a school bus (the bus's fault, and I was a passenger) but has gone uphill from there!
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, Jess. Truly.
no way in any possible world are you that annoying. No possible way.
So Corb Lund is having a haiku contest on Twitter, and the prize is a t-shirt. I really want to win. Not because I want a t-shirt (I have a couple of Corb shirts that I rarely wear), or because I want to interact with Corb on Twitter or anywhere (I've interacted with him plenty in person, and it's always been painfully awkward, transitioning to funny-in-retrospect), but because I suddenly want to be recognized as the haiku MASTER.
It's possible that I'm having a low-motivation day at work.
I am having a day I hope doesn't get worse? I ripped an extra inch in the already too high slit on my dress while getting out of the car this morning, after ripping a huge hole in the hose I was gOing to wear.
Also, I don't like first times at a place. And they put me in a hot room with a very loud cycling freezer.
Happy Birthdays, Sophia and smonster!!!
I usually don't take my lunch until 2:30, because then when I come back the day is almost over, BUT I am DYING to go to the comic store NOW.
As haiku master, you should have a sidekick. A POODLE sidekick.