I wish there was a "report douchebag" button.
Also, maybe this should go into BBB, but I think we should add a "This blue corner marks a story we think will be interesting to you. Learn more about top stories" thing to everyone's posts.
Thoughts? Should we open lightbulbs or what?
Also, maybe this should go into BBB, but I think we should add a "This blue corner marks a story we think will be interesting to you. Learn more about top stories" thing to everyone's posts.
Can you SEE me making stabby motions?
I think Jessica posted something interesting this morning, but then I clicked the wrong x and now I don't see it anymore.
Sorry, Jessica. I actually thought you were interesting before Facebook thought I would think that.
Can you see standing right behind Steph, growling? In my yummy sushi pajamas?
I think we should randomly call different posts "Top News."
On twitter you can report users for spam and/or block users.
I love both features and use them weekly.
In addition to my other first world complaints, I would like to punch New Girl in the face.
Sorry, Jessica. I actually thought you were interesting before Facebook thought I would think that.
Bwahaha! Well that's what you get for thinking you can outsmart Facebook, obviously.
In addition to my other first world complaints, I would like to punch New Girl in the face.
I really hope that wasn't the FB comment of mine you wanted to respond to.
(Seriously, nobody has to like the show or the character, but can we at least stop threatening to punch/smack her in the face? Is she really so annoying that we need to physically assault her? Why do some many people on the internet want this?)
[eta: That's two people just *today* who have said they want to punch or smack Jess in the face, and both of them are people who have met me in real life. So I'm feeling like maybe I should never leave the house or speak to anyone ever again.]