- sigh* I should ship you some. I swear, my mom gives me a can every 3rd time I visit: "I got this on sale for you!"
I do not eat that much chocolate! REALLY TRULY.
Ironically, I DO have brownies in the kitchen now, and am going to to eat one. But only because I made them for guests last night, SWEAR!
Jesse, I meant to add, to make the chocolate peanut butter, just melted chips into the PB because I didn't have cocoa.
Yeah, I was figuring that.
Also, I really want to make these: [link]
I love the total gooeyness of the salted
chocolate peanut butter cookies + gluten free!
I don't actually want those doughnuts, I just want that food porn photographer come take pictures of everything I ever eat, which will make me want to eat it.
Ooh, those sound good.
I have to confess, the last time I made flourless pb cookies, I was not into the texture. Also, I have a shitton of flour in the house, from an accidental buy last "holiday season."
I swear, my mom gives me a can every 3rd time I visit
For a while my mom did this with vanilla. Now I'm nearly out of my last bottle and facing buying my own vanilla.
Ah! Well then, there you go! problem solved. Still want the donuts. Also the sweet potato, apple, pancetta hash with a fried egg on top.
I've made these salted chocolate peanut butter cookies once and they were good. Plus you only need ONE egg!
I make the non-chocolate version of those all the time. I keep meaning to dip them in chocolate or drizzle melted chocolate on top, but then I just eat them plain. They are magic cookies. People rave about them when I make them. I wonder if you could make them with Nutella instead of peanut butter.
I have to confess, the last time I made flourless pb cookies, I was not into the texture.
Too crumbly?
Yeah, and I know I made them too big, but they were also greasy in the middle or something? I kind of forget the details.