I kind of feel like making homemade Fig Newtons with fresh figs is a waste of figs. Goat cheese + squished out fig + baguette = heaven.
Really? Because I'm not really much of a fig eater. But Noah will eat them as fig newtons. This is what happens when things show up in the CSA box. I've also made a ton of baba ganoush with eggplant. I'm stretching culinarily!
Also made: an ale, cheddar, cauliflower and green chile soup that is heaven. I have embraced the cornstarch trick and it helps the cheese melt.
And I am ordering in mediocre sushi and being appalled at the unrelated deadlines I need to meet Monday.
Amyth, totally had the fruit fly thing a couple years ago. Gross, huh?
Happy birthday, Perkins.
I want to bake something tomorrow. I have chocolate chips and the bare basics. Should I just make chocolate chip cookies, or go to the store and make something more exciting? I am also considering chocolate-peanut butter something. Consideration: I have only one egg in the house. But would be happy to make half a recipe that calls for two.
I've made these salted chocolate peanut butter cookies once and they were good. Plus you only need ONE egg!
Peanut-butter chocolate chip brownies, if you have flour, oil, cocoa powder and baking power.
Er, baking POWDER (but I left the typo in because BAKING POWER!)
Ooh, those look good. I'm currently thinking about this one: [link]
I have baking power!! But no cocoa powder.
Jesse, I meant to add, to make the chocolate peanut butter, just melted chips into the PB because I didn't have cocoa.
Ooh, the salted chocolate peanut cookies sound awesome! ...now I want to bake.
I also want my friend who's visiting town to call me back. At least to let me know what the plan is...
Earlier I met zuisa! She exists!