I have a framed kanji hanging on my wall that came from Ginger. The character is the one for "serenity."
I don't think there's any doubt Ginger rocks hard.
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2010? We have a few words for you.
I have a framed kanji hanging on my wall that came from Ginger. The character is the one for "serenity."
I don't think there's any doubt Ginger rocks hard.
See the box. If it doesn't look absolutely gorgeous, it's completely because of my barely passable photography skills. If you can't access it, feel free to contact me to be friended.
According to the rules we voted on:
As of the last day of February, any ungifted Santa or Slacker Santa giftees will have the option to throw their names back into the pool to be gifted by other volunteers, which will be a way for people who found themselves unable to gift for one reason or another to bow out gracefully and for everyone to get closure on the year without the thread going on for months.
Oops! This is why I am a slacker -- I have gotten my mail ordered stuff for my giftee a week or so a ago, and just need to find a box and pack it and send it; I WILL do that this week!!
I haven't gotten anything either, but since I am so slacky, I am not all that fussed about it.
I have gifted and gotten and will happily pinch hit.
Same here.
me three.
Oh, shit! I thought I had until the last day of March. I just need to mail the damned thing! This weekend, promise! Sorry!
I can also pinch hit if needed.
I'm glad Vortex wasn't the only one who thought we had until the end of March. I will get my gift in the mail this weekend. I am still ungifted but I'm OK with that.