Perkins, you'll be in the US for Christmas, right?? At some point, just turn on TBS.
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2010: Don't Let the Door Hit Ya...
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2010? We have a few words for you.
Perkins, you've never seen A Christmas Story?
Perkins, you'll be in the US for Christmas, right?? At some point, just turn on TBS.
I can do that!
I bought one of those leg lamps for my best friend this year!
In other news, the last of the Christmas presents I was waiting on arrived today. And I now have all my other gifts except that one wrapped.
And that movie was directed by the Bob Clark, who also directed Porky's and Black Christmas!
OK, my Secret Santa package is sent! I would have liked to make the box a little prettier, or wrap the gifts nicely, but we ran out of wrapping paper and I couldn't face running another errand last night. Still, I hope my giftee is happy with them!
I think I will send part of my gift tomorrow, but I got a really good idea (I think) for the second part, but there's a delay on that.
I think my Secret Santa gift is at the post office. I got a notice today that I have a package. I hope I get off in time tomorrow to pick it up.
Santee, your gift is on its way. (turns out I didn't have to slack as much as I thought.)
Half of my secret santa present has been sent (and received) but the other half will have to go out Monday. I am pretending it's extending the anticipation rather than not getting things done.