Hivemind question. CJ has been invited to a Bar Mitzvah. Are presents traditional? Anything specific? Or is it a card thing?
Definitely presents. If CJ knows the kid well, then just something along the lines of what he'd get him for a birthday present, except a bit bigger or more expensive, since it's a bigger occaision than just a birthday. If he doesn't know the kid too well, then what was suggested above of gift cards to places where he can buy music or books or games would be good. For girls, the usual gift from people who don't know the kid well is jewelry, something that's appropriate for the kid to wear now but also adult enough to still wear in a few years, but I'm not sure what the boy equivalent of that would be. Fancy watch? If you know the boy's parents, you can call them and ask if there's anything in particular that he wants or doesn't want.
Also, definitely prepare CJ in advance that bar mitzvah ceremonies can be very long, and frequently boring and/or confusing to people who aren't familiar with it. Tell him that, if he feels like he needs a break, it's perfectly fine to just take a breather in the hallway outside the sanctuary for a few minutes.