I am now back in PA after going to DC for the rally. DebetEsse and I stayed with Raq. We were standing a bit in front of 7th Street, so just at the back of the official rally area. There were a TON of people behind us, well beyond the borders of the area reserved for the rally. I was actually able to see OK, because I was lucky enough to be able to stand on a bench and see over the heads of the people in front of me. (Some people behind us were complaining that the bench-standing people were selfish, when people first stood on the bench, but I figured that I wasn't adding anything to the view-blocking, since I was the shortest person on the bench, and also, standing on the bench only made me about two inches taller than the guy standing on the ground next to the bench, anyway.)
We could sometimes hear what was going on -- it seemed like, each time they switched the sound settings because of a change in scene or microphone or anything, it went down to too-soft, and then it took a few minutes for them to get it back up to levels where we could hear. There weren't any speakers set up to get beyond 7th Street.
A bunch of people were in Halloween costumes. There were several Waldos, which is really a great costume choice for a rally. About an hour into the rally, one of the Waldos started crowd-surfing from the back of the crowd toward the front. I don't know how far he got, but from where I could see, it looked like at least a block and a half. As he went by, people started chanting, "Waldo! Waldo!" A little while in front of where I was, he started losing balance and half-falling into the crowd. Everyone groaned and seemed disappointed. A little boy sitting on his father's shoulders shouted out, "Come on, Waldo! You can do it!" And then the crowd got Waldo back up and he continued his journey.