I'm also wary of trusting my local paper's view of things, since we're in a Republican area.
Yeah--I read the Stranger, and often take their suggestions, but on a few of the propositions, I was reading along, and thinking "mmm, I don't think I agree with your reasoning there..." And there's at least one King County prop that I have no idea what the actual impact of it would be (there's one about changing the wording of the preamble to the constitution city charter's first amendment, or somesuch...)
First wave has come through, mainly with the littlest ones in costume.
I haven't seen any around here, and I just walked a couple blocks back from the library. And we have no candy, alas.
I have candy, and the makings for chili! And zuchini bread, which my grandma used to bake, and I loved it so much that when she gave us frozen loaves to take home, I would start nibbling at corner like a mouse before it thawed.
I do not love the grating. I hope I get the wee food processor I asked my mom for for Xmas.
I am reading "Bag of Bones" by King, and after the kiddies go through, I am going to watch the sequel to The Descent on Netflix.
Kids lasted for less than an hour--mostly around our block. But we managed to score several full sized candy bars! And a friend of ours down the street had a single serving, chilled bottle of white Zin for me.
No kids, so far. I don't expect any.
And a friend of ours down the street had a single serving, chilled bottle of white Zin for me.
Wisconsin is awesome. Sorry if I missed this, but were the kids dressed as?
Sorry if I missed this, but were the kids dressed as?
Iron Man and Supergirl. Owen made sure Liv knew that she was in the DC Universe and he was in the Marvel Universe.
I've had about 25 kids so far. Which I think is more than I had this time last year. It's cold and rainy here, so I think most people are out early.
Oz has been sitting by the front door watching since the first trick or treater arrived. I think he's pretty freaked out. One tiny girl dressed as a cat got so excited when she saw Oz and then cried when her mom stopped her from coming into the house to see him. But that was fine because Oz then tried ot escape, only to run back into the house instead of having to confront Supergirl.
I have eaten so many rockets, I may die.
Devi's behind the loveseat, Loki's upstairs somewhere (it got to be too much for him and Mister Kitty keeps running out, much to the kids' delight.